The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking. -Albert Einstein

Monday 17 December 2018


Don't you wonder at some point, about happiness?
But what is happiness after all?
Some say its a state of mind, others say its a feeling divine, rest say its a way of life.
I say happiness is a hot cup of tea watching the winter sun arrives.
Happiness is curling in your bed with nothing specific on your mind.
Happiness is kindness with all you might.
A kind smile, a friendly talk or a nod of understanding benign.
A gentle hug or a funny shrug.
A walk at dusk or a puppy's yawn.
A baby's gaze or a  room full of book shelves maze.
A broken heart picking up its pieces, ready to heal; ready to feel.
A song or a movie that made you laugh or even cry in joy or in nostalgia
Happiness is coming home after a long tiring day at work to the people that make you feel at home.
Happiness is finding home in people and clinging on to them no matter what.
So don't go out about looking for your perfect idea of happiness.
Happiness is simply what you want happiness to be...

Sunday 15 April 2018

Justice for humanity

Her spirit as wild as the horses she led,
Her soul pure and free full of gentle innocence
Beyond the norms of the world
Beyond the knowledge of right and wrong or good or bad
She knew no religion and cetainly nothing about the brutality she would be subjected to
Tender as a livid drop of mist on the rose petal
The girl with a chaste glow on her face and with those big serene eyes
May you find peace in heaven little girl,because Earth has been far too cruel to you,cruel beyond words
May you find comfort beyond the seven skies where "God" lives
The same "God"in whose name we fight and satisfy our political agendas and reason out our insanity.
And if that "God" does really exist,may justice for you and for humanity prevail.
चाँद पे ले चलो यार मेरे 
नदियों का झिलमिल पानी 
ये सुनहरे बादलों की सेज पे सवार 
ले चलो कहीं दूर यार मेरे। 

भीगे पत्तों से टपकता बारिश का पानी 
मिट्टी की सौंधी खुशबू महकाती हर सांस को 
सूरज ढलने को है राज़ी 
चाँद पे ले चलो यार मेरे। 

तारों से करेंगे पहेलियाँ 
सपनों से करेंगे यारी 
धीरे से रात कट जाएगी यह 
पलकें होंगी भारी भारी 
चाँद पे ले चलो यार मेरे। 

खेलेंगे ख़यालो से लुका छुपी 
फुरसत की गठरी रख कर सर पे 
कर लो तैयारी यार मेरे 
चाँद पे ले चलो यार मेरे। 

Note: These lines are inspired by the song "Indian Summer" by Jai Wolf.

Tuesday 27 March 2018

The End of the F***ing World

So I just ended up watching an entire  8 episode series in one sitting. It’s named as “End of the F***ing World”. The series is a teenage drama but it stayed with me all along the entire time I watched it, so much so that I wrote this little piece right after I ended up watching the last and the final episode of this Netflix original drama.

This is not a spoiler neither does this write up qualifies entirely to be a review of the show.So assume,its neither a spoiler nor a review . Today was one of my low days. You know some of those few days when you feel you just want to leave everything and probably don’t have a plan for a  little while or maybe just don’t do anything at all. Well I was technically working from home and I did try to finish up some pending work but this show just stuck with me and I couldn’t stop once I started watching it.
Two teenagers ,uprooted family backgrounds, the guy supposedly a psychopath and the girl with unresolved anger. All of it sounds like a sad and a gloomy drama. It was more than that about the show which made it unique and compelling enough for me to pen down my thoughts about it.How two unknown people with similar backgrounds come close to each other and save each other is the underlying theme of the plot all through the entire show. The soundtrack of the show is also to look out for.
I guess we all need a James or an Alyssa in our lives after all right?Someone to save us from the world and from ourselves when things sometimes don't seem to work out the way you wanted or thought of.Someone to cuddle with in the middle of the night.Someone to help you feel things and feelings you never felt or you though you could never feel.Someone to feel free with and to be truly yourself with at the same time.James and Alyssa make an intriguing,weirdly odd yet a comfortable couple who tend to grow on you over time during the course of the show.I loved the show and though I said earlier,this is not a review but I would definitely recommend watching this one.

Ps: Do listen to the song “Hard feelings” by Lorde with editing of certain memorable scenes of the show and the track “Laughing on the outside” by Bernadette Carrol once you are done watching the show