The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking. -Albert Einstein

Thursday, 31 December 2015

Yeh saal...2015..!

गैरों से घिरना कभी पसंद ना था ,आज अपनो से मिलना भी थोड़ा अजीब सा लगता है। 
अकेलेपन में  ना जाने क्यों मुझे सुकून सा मिलता है। 
खुद से बातें करने वालो को लोग पागल समझा करते हैं ,
खुद से  बातें करना ,यूँ  पन्नों पे खुद को शब्दों में समेट लेना  अच्छा  सा लगता है। 
जो पल तन्हाई के लगते थे बेगाने ,आज उन पलों को हथेलियों में सहेजना सीख लिया मैंने। 
कोई चाहने वाला मिल  जाये ,इस खोज में कब खुद को इस कदर चाहने लगी 
क़ि खुद की चाहत में किसी का खलल अब सही सा  नहीं लगता । 
यह साल आज बीत जायेगा ,एक नयी उमंग के साथ नया साल खड़ा है मेरी चौखट पर 
दुसरो के साथ जीने की ख्वाइश से ज्यादा ,खुद  जीना सीख सा लिया है मैंने। 

Monday, 26 October 2015


Amidst the smile, those sparkling eyes
There’s is a facade, a hollow she hides
Those twinkling eyes, that sublime laugh
How tears spelled, how torn apart
Amidst that modesty, concealed in her graceful demeanor
Those loveless nights, that lonely plight
How complete she looked, yet how empty from inside
These deceptions we carry, faces do lie
How heart swells up, and tears stream out
Yet those lips purse and give a smile
Face is a mask, to obscure the hidden fading sunshine

Monday, 28 September 2015

भीड़ में साथी अक्सर मिल जाते हैं
सफर में हमराही टकरा जाते हैं
सर उठा के देखा जब मैंने जमात में
कोई गैर ना मिला अनजाने ही साथ में।

फूलों की लाज ,सुगंध भरी
ले बुन लाया में एक माला
बस तू दिखी उस मेह्खाने में
और खींचा  चला आया में मधुशाला।

हाथों में लिये जज़्बातों की कतरन
बेहेकतें हैं जब जज़्बात ,ये हाथ भी ना जाने क्यों बेहक जातें हैं।

लम्हे ,घड़ियाँ ,साल तो कभी अरसे निकल जाते हैं
कहने को लफ्ज़ नहीं रहते
पर आँखों की ज़ुबाँ ही कुछ अलग होती है
कहते हैं अल्फाज़ो से ज्यादा बातें आँखों से होती हैं।

Friday, 4 September 2015

Ek suni raat...

एक सूनी रात का अँधेरा था ,
रेशम सी चाँद की रौशनी छन के आ रही थी जैसे। 
कोने में जल रही भीनी लौ की नर्माहट ,
तुम्हारे पास होने का एहसास  सा  दिला  रही थी। 
 रातेँ तो कई बीती हैं पहले भी 
पर वो रात खासी अधूरी थी ,
आँखों में आज हलकी नमी थी ,दिलों में दूरी थी। 
उस सुनी रात के अंधेरे में ,
चाँद भी ढलने को आ रहा था अब। 
नींद की एक  छोटी सी बूँद भी आँखों में गिरने ना पायी थी 
झरोखे से झाका तो चाँद को भी अधूरा पाया।
 झिलमिलाती रौशनी में अपने आप को समझाया , कभी हम भी पूरे हुआ करते थे। 
बस तुम और तुम्हारी याद सताये जा रही थी 
वो भी क्या रात थी ,वो भी क्या याद थी। 

Thursday, 27 August 2015


Love-A four letter simple word, but is it as simple as it spells?

 A mother hiding her true relation with her daughter, dumping her on her ailing old parents to look after and take care of in order to pursue her other interests ,being deeply ambitious and blinded by ambition finally murdering her own daughter.

Youngsters today are scared of commitment. Spending a good amount of time with someone only to leave that someone ...why? Because they don’t think they want to get into the hassle of being in a serious committed relationship. Because being emotional today is not the right thing to do move ahead in life and of course all this at the pretext of building one’s career or different priorities in life.

Siblings parting ways because of differences in terms of social stature, money or minor misunderstandings which pave way for rifts thereby breaking a relationship which is supposed to be one of the most strong and beautiful relation.

Best of friends backstabbing each other, becoming jealous of each other’s success and accomplishment and parting ways eventually.

Parents being left alone by their own children citing lack of time, convenience, career aspirations or other priorities as excuses.

These are just few examples of many weird things which are happening in our world right now. Not that I am extremely emotional to vent out all this and even if I am it’s something I am really proud of. But has love become so insignificant in this world that we breach the limits of humanity and leave the people who are supposed to be the closest to us for things which are actually insignificant. I am not saying one’s career is not important or one should not take up one’s ambition in life but is it not important to give love back to the people who actually deserve it. It’s just a feeling we need to reciprocate back. All we need to do is to muster the courage to accept the people around us the way they are.

Love blooms everywhere, we only need to nurture it wherever we can. Is forgiving so hard that we choose to remain enclosed in the walls we have built around us, lonely and alone rather than breaking those walls and making a gesture. I think it’s definitely something to think about and ponder on.

Saturday, 25 July 2015


है प्रेम भरी सौगात ये ,
यह है ईश्वर की अश्रु धारा 
ये बारिश की भीनी बूँदें 
ना भटके कोई प्यासा आवारा। 

बहुत हुआ अब छिपना छुपाना 
है प्रीत मिलन की सुहानी 
मत घबरा बस पहुंच जा 
जा लिख दे अपनी प्रेम कहानी। 

कब तक देखता रहेगा उसे बेसबर 
बारिश की रिमझिम में हो दो दिल तत्पर। 
वर्षा की आह में भीग रही है वो ,
प्यार के बीजो का आज रोपड़ हो। 

है प्रेम भरी सौगात ये ,
यह है ईश्वर की अश्रु धारा 
कह दे अपने हृदय की बात 
क्यों है तेरा दिल उस पे हारा। 

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Starry sky..

Under the starry sky,
She saw a moment,he saw a chance.
She saw emotions,he saw wild passion
She felt his magical touch,he found her touch electrifying.
She lost herself but found him,he carefully wandered and swept her off
She saw love,he saw lust
She saw his beautiful heart,he saw her beautiful body
Her eyes teared in happiness,his eyes watered in pleasure
She missed the darkness hidden in his bright eyes,he saw her gleaming eyes lit up
Under the starry sky
It was a beginning for her,something ended for him....

For the simple joy of writing...

I was once asked,"Do you like dancing?".Well,I don't know literally but I do like dancing figuratively.I love the way my pen dances on a white sheet of paper leaving ink marks and forming words,sometimes abrupt other times meaningless.Sometimes forming sentences which are so deep that they might seem meaningless at a glance.I love the way my expressions,my emotions come out through the motion of my pen on the paper.Just by the mere movement of my hand spilling not only the ink but also my thoughts on that plain white sheet of paper.Well this one for the simple joy of writing....:)

Random Thought....

In the wisp of the moment,the time flew by and what he had made of himself,what he was after years of toiling didn't matter anymore.It is funny how we build castles of sand with so much effort;craft our lives with so much care.But all it takes is a frantic wave to wash it all;one wrong action/decision to crumble everything we ever had or dreamed of.

Saturday, 4 July 2015

The wait....

She has been meaning to speak to him for days now. He kept on making excuses sometimes about excess work and other times about how tired he was. She kept on waiting, waiting for him to take out some time for her as he had promised . She has been really patient all this while. But he never called back.

So she gathered her apprehensions meaning to put them in front of him.She wanted to tell him that all she wanted was to be felt needed,felt as an important part, an unavoidable part of his life.So this time she decided to call him instead of waiting for him to call.

The ring rang for a while. She was now sure that he wont take her call but after like a long ring she heard a voice from the other end. ”Hello”,said a woman’s  voice. The woman on the other side was almost panting and gasping for breath. She was a little surprised. She was wondering who this woman was who had  answered his phone .

She had known him for quite a while now and she knew he stayed alone. Nevertheless,she asked for him.She said she wanted to speak to him.”This is regarding what?”the woman on the other side asked authoritatively. Now she was really confused.She had no idea how to reply back.She wanted to know who this woman was who was answering his phone that too with so much authority.

She replied that she was a colleague from work and asked when can she speak to him. The answer she got from the other end silenced her for a long time.”He is away on his honeymoon.He will join work after a week.” answered the woman and disconnected.The wait had now come to an abrupt end.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

A man on the crossroad

I met a man on the crossroad
On the crossroad to the heart and mind
And as they always say, the road to the heart is the one where the light shines
I met a man on the crossroad
With winds surging, not a clue not a sign
I was sure I was lost, with no hope to find my way ahead
But his eyes shown with such vigor, I felt everything will be soon fine
I met a man on the crossroad
And so charming and so captivating he was
A mystery to my livid soul
All I could manage was a battered smile, a smile amidst that hurricane.
Such was his charm, I could not help but smile.
I smiled clinging on to the last pillar which remained.
I met a man on the crossroad
I survived a tornado with him
Everything perished and was in ruins
Uprooted roofs and fallen trees
But the sun had finally risen after a day’s misery
Me and him, we were the only one’s spared, and I wanted us to last and stand the further test of time. 

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


मैं कौन हूँ ?
मैं  पहली बारीश की भीनी बूंदूँ का स्पर्श हूँ। 
मैं नवविवाहिता की लाज हूँ। 
मैं सुरीले सरगम का आगाज़ हूँ। 
मैं कल हूँ ,मैं आज हूँ। 
मैं शिशु सी निश्छल ,मैं शैतान हूँ। 
मैं नवीन हूँ ,मैं प्राचीन हूँ। 
मैं कभी दिलचस्प तो कभी उदासीन हूँ। 
मैं अलग हूँ ,मैं समान हूँ। 
मैं ख़ास हूँ ,मैं पास हूँ। 
मैं ख़ुशी का आभास हूँ। 
मैं गम में गहरी सास हूँ। 
मैं व्योम सी असीम पर दूरियों से सिमटी। 
मैं फूल सी निर्मल ,मैं काटो सी कठोर। 
मैं वात्सल्य सी पवित्र ,मैं वासना सी उत्तेजित। 
मैं शाँत हूँ ,मैं वाचाल हूँ। 
मैं निर्भीक हूँ ,मैं भयभीत हूँ। 
मैं मनमोहक हूँ ,मैं अहंकार हूँ। 
मैं यह हूँ मैं वो हूँ। 
मैं , मैं हूँ बस मैं और सिर्फ मैं।

Friday, 6 March 2015

Never again...

She stayed uptight,she felt it was a dream, the stormy last night
The bed was cold now,she wish she could have him back
Her tears soiling the pillow making it wet
Her smudgy face,staring the wall beside.But  then he saw his silhouette
Slowly his shadow coming over her,she lay there...quiet
She gazed him as he removed his socks.
He came closer,seating himself over the edge of her side of the bed
Leaning over her,she could feel his breath,his warm breath on her face.
He gently kissed her cheeks and muttered sorry in her ear.
she watched him getting undressed without blinking even once,while he sneaked in their bed, his side which was empty a while ago.
Her back facing him,he wrapped his arms around her,his legs tangling around her legs.
Smelling her hair,he mumbled gently...”I came back to stay, never to leave, never again”