Few days back, I had this as my Facebook status: -
A 15 year old girl holds her 1 year old son and people call her a slut. But no one knew she was raped at 13. Make fun of someone for being fat. But you don't know that person has a serious medical condition that causes them to be obese. Call the old guy ugly. But you don't know he got a serious face injury after serving the country or saving a life. Re-post this if you are against bullying and stereotyping.....
But what did, I personally learn from it???Well, to be honest and frank enough,I, just felt something in my heart for some seconds, posted it as my Facebook status, got some likes and comments on it and then I completely forgot about it. How often do we judge people on the basis of their looks, their external behaviour and their attitude without even trying to know the real reason behind, without even trying to know the true side of a person, how he or she is in actual, how has he/ she become the way we perceive him or her to be. Do we ever bother to ask such questions like,” what is his/her real story?”,”Is my perception about him/her and his/her personality correct and apt?” before we even try to start judging a person?? Well, I realised that I don’t.
Taking one look at a person, analysing him/her in one go, making inferences and coming to conclusions about his/her nature is really easy. But the question is, is it correct??No. definitely not. Though sometimes what you perceive or conclude about a person from his external attributes and behaviour may be correct but such might not be the case at all times .We might end up thinking negatively or disapprovingly about a person as a result of our preconceived notions . He/she might be a genuine person for an instance but just because you never gave enough chance or never analysed or realised the softness or other good qualities hidden behind the tough or fake exterior being projected to others either knowingly or unknowingly, you might end up having unjustified feelings about a person which he/she does not deserves.
I am glad, that I realised the mistake which quite a lot of people make, which is very common among a lot of people like me but truly speaking, wrong judgements about someone can lead to sour relations for no reasons. Relations are as it is weak threads which once broken, might not be the same it used to be in the past. So it’s better to mend ways before its too late..!!!