He was
feeling terribly low that evening. Aakash had a weekly off from work, just an
ordinary and a regular Saturday, but somehow his heart felt so heavy, that the
entire day seemed like a huge mountain to him. Indeed the day was regular but
things in his life had not been normal: don’t know from a long time now.
Everyone in his life wanted answers, answers to so many questions they had put infront of him, answers which
made them happy, but in his attempt of giving everyone the appropriate answers,
Aakash felt that he had knowingly or
unknowingly lost his own happiness. Who
will answer his questions, where are those people now whose support he need at
this phase of his life rather than those innumerable questions they put across him?
Why is he still so alone, so lonely, when all he wants right now is
He decided to make a move, he
decided to vent his heart out somehow. He went to a nearby pub, to have some
beer, thinking it would make him feel better.
While coming back home, Aakash was quite drunk, drunk to the limit that
he could sense and feel the gaping
emptiness and solitude in his life at the moment. Suddenly the 1 km
distance from the pub to his home seemed endless. But still he was walking
slowly and steadily. He wanted to talk to someone, anyone, and tell him
whatever he had in his mind. He wanted to cry his heart out. But he had no one,
no one who could hear him and understand him at the same time. In his
desperation he decided to call someone, anyone. He called Jus dial.
Jus dial-“Hello. I’m speaking from Jus dial, how may I help you sir?”
Aakash-“Yes, I need help; I need to talk to someone”
Jus dial-“Sir, please can you be a little more specific”
Aakash- “I just want
to talk to someone, will you hear me out?”
Jus dial-“Sorry sir, I won’t be able to talk to you. Do you
have any other queries?”
Aakash-“Yes, I want a number.”
Jus dial-“yes sir, can you please be a little more specific
so that I can help you easily?”
Aakash-“I want a friend’s number, a friend who will listen
to me”
Jus dial-“I am again sorry sir, I won’t be able to help you
with that. Any other queries?”
Jus dial-“Thank you for calling Jus dial sir”
And the phone line went blank....
Aakash, kept
the phone back in the pocket of his trousers and continued walking. He didn’t had
the clue why he did whatever he did just a few minutes back, neither did he
cared about it. He passed a nearby bus stop and spotted an ice cream vendor
some distance away from the bus stop. All of a sudden he had this
uncontrollable urge to have an ice cream. A rather weird combination, after
some pegs of beer, he wanted to have an ice-cream. Again, without bothering
about anything else, he went to the ice-cream vendor and bought a cup of
Vanilla ice-cream. As he was busy licking the ice cream off his lips and spoon,
he noticed a pretty girl seated on the bench just beside the spot where the
ice-cream vendor stood. The desire to speak to someone, surfaced again all of a
sudden. He wanted to go and sit beside her and let her know what all he’s going
through, expecting nothing but patience to listen his words in return. He asked
the vendor if he knew the girl, and he came to know that the girl was a ransom
stranger who has been waiting for someone probably on the same bench for a
couple of hours now.
Aakash went to the girl and placed
himself at one corner of the same bench on which the girl was sitting. The girl
didn’t respond at all, as if she didn’t even notice that someone was sitting
almost beside her. She was just looking constantly in one direction, blankly. Aakash
hesitated but finally spoke,”Are you waiting for someone?”The girl didn’t reply
for a moment, but after a few minutes she said,”Yes.”The way she was looking, straight,
without blinking her eyes much, Aakash found it a little queer, but he didn’t
say anything. The girl said after sometime,”Can you see someone coming wearing
a white shirt and a pair of denims, towards this side?”To Aakash’s surprise, he
suddenly discovered that the girl was blind. He was filled with genuine
sympathy and concern, ”No, who are you waiting for? It’s getting really late
now. You should probably go back home.”The girl ignored his remark as if she didn’t
hear it all. Later, after a while she again replied, now with a sense of
eagerness and impatience in her voice, “I am waiting for my lover. He promised
that he would meet me here after he had sorted things out. He must be coming
back anytime now. He told me that he would come soon.”Aakash was amazed to see
the deep faith the girl had in his love and on his lover. He was deeply moved
and touched by the belief she had on her love, that he would sort things out
and come back to her. He suddenly pondered on his own life and realised what
mistake he has been doing all this while. He suddenly felt liberated and no
longer helpless. Why can he have such a similar faith on himself and on God
that things in his life too will be fine soon? Is it worth being sad for things
when with patience and persistence it can be resolved .And even if those
problems which trouble him are out of the extent to be fixed by him, wouldn’t
it just help to have some conviction, some positive outlook towards the way he sees
the issues in his life? When a girl can portray such amounts of
confidence and belief on her love, is it too hard even to believe on himself?
he saw a young man, dressed as the girl has said, in white shirt and denims, coming
towards the bench. Aakash understood, it was the girl’s lover and he turned to
the girl and said, “your love is coming to get you. I can see him coming now. All
the best to both of you.” The girl smiled and said, “I knew he would come. Thank
you.”He smiled back standing up from the bench and feeling relived, and started
walking his way back towards his home.