She was so thrilled. She had finally realised it at last after
fighting and struggling with her own thoughts about him. She had feelings for
him. she always had feelings for him from a long time as right after their first
few casual talks she had started liking him. He was so different, unlike other
guys she had ever interacted with. He was gentle, kind and understanding. The
best thing was she felt so close, so comfortable with him in spite of the fact
that they both were so different from each other individually. She was bubbly, chirpy
and talkative. He was almost opposite, grave, mature and serious. She
decided to communicate with him, this time openly. To tell him what she really
felt for him. Suddenly she couldn’t wait any longer and grabbed her cell phone.
She had his number in the recent call log so she dialled him immediately .She
could hear his caller tune again already after hearing it before so many times,
a fine and soothing instrumental music which just eases the caller rather than
irritates him/her(which happens most of the times with caller tunes, they just
divert your attention and make you forget the purpose you dialled the person’s
number for).It was exactly like him, the way he is. So relaxing, so peaceful. After
a minute finally he came on line.

She heard his soft, restful voice. She
replied, ”hey it’s me!!”She could sense his happiness and excitement now.”Oh! I
was about to call you. What a pleasant coincidence! I wanted to tell you
something.” When she sensed his
excitement and his eagerness to share something with her, chills ran through
her body .She was just mentally praying in her head...Oh! God, I hope he’s just
thinking exactly what I am thinking right now. She replied, ”oh cool go ahead!!”He
paused for a moment and said ,”wait a minute. You called me so you should tell
me what it is first. Why did you call me? Isn’t it just and fair?”She went
blank and nervous. She wasn’t suddenly able to remember at all why she had
called him. She tried to sound normal and said,”oh nothing specific. I just
called you casually. Go on I want to hear what you have to say.”He was as if
expecting this reply for her side and almost willing to vent out whatever he had
to, he replied ,”oh ok, then it’s me who has to speak right now. I am dying to
tell you this” .She could feel the goose bumps on her hand, the hand which held
the phone.
She said, ”come on ,then tell me. What are you waiting for?”She again said a short prayer in her head, ”God ,hope he
feels the way I feel for him” He was talking very slowly now, very cautiously, as
if he’s disclosing some confidential covert. He said,”The thing is, I am in
love”. She just stopped dead holding the railing of her balcony. She couldn't believe her ears. He grew a little worried when he didn’t hear any response from her side. He said”hello, are you there”. She woke up as if from a dream and
replied, ”yes, yes, oh that is great!!That is really wonderful!”He sounded
really relived and extremely happy, ”she is
just so perfect for me. I can’t believe that I am in love. She is just
so special. It feels so good.’’ She was beaming and busy scratching the paint off the railing
of her balcony with her nails in extreme exhilaration. She replied, ”Oh that is so amazing !what’s her name? Where did
you guys meet? Who is the special girl” half knowing and half hoping that it’s her.
She said again in her head,” He takes my name, oh God please.”
He was a little hesitant but later when he couldn’t hide it
anymore not at least from her, he replied, ”well, I met the angel in our college.
You know her very well” Now she was confused. Was he playing tricks with her or
was it someone else .She told herself, it can’t be the other way round...relax!
She asked or rather pressed further, “But who is this angel you suddenly fell in
love with??”He whispered, ”shh....don’t talk so loudly, I haven’t told it to
anyone yet except you, and you are supposed to keep it to yourself until unless
I tell this to her, the girl of my dreams, the girl whom I love. She’s in our
class only infact she’s our teammate. That is all I can tell you as of now. You
will be the first of all my friends to know who she is shortly, trust me”

was suddenly numb. She just couldn’t move and stood still. A tear dropped from
her eyes, she didn’t realise knowingly or unknowingly. The railing felt
cold or she guessed it was her hand which went so cold. She couldn’t respond, couldn’t
comprehend anything. How can this happen. They were childhood friends. They used
to hang out together and spend so much time together that he could not have got
the time to talk to anyone else apart from her. They were so close, and he was
never friends with any other girl except her .Or let’s face it he wasn’t ever
so comfortable talking or interacting
with any other girl except her.She was the only one he shared everything with.
She could feel her hand holding the phone trembling. He replied, ”hello, are
you there? What happened?”She suddenly came to her senses on hearing his voice.
Her voice crackled when she spoke now, but somehow managing to control herself for the last
time ,she replied ”All the best, I will
always pray for you and your happiness. I should go now. My mom just called me
for some urgent work . Bye” He replied, ”oh yes, I can’t wait for tomorrow when I will finally
tell her about my feelings. See you at college tomorrow. Thanks a lot buddy!”The
word” buddy” was like a sting to her ears now. He said, ’Bye” and she
immediately hung up the phone because she didn’t had anything more to say now.