The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking. -Albert Einstein

Monday, 24 October 2011

Juggling thoughts!!

               Life is really a jigsaw puzzle. You never know what will happen the next moment. You would be moving along hand in hand with someone, humming away your favorite song. Everything seeming just so perfect, just so beautiful, exactly the way you always wanted. But then suddenly, your steps take a twisted turn. All of a sudden you are all alone. The lighted path turns dark, not a ray of light, not a ray of hope peeping from any direction. Out of the blue, you find yourself on unknown, unheard paths. 
             So if you think that life is what I described above where everything turning out your way, well no, what I described afterwards,the latter, that’s life! So mysterious, so baffling so inexplicable, astonishing you at every instant. Coming along with something unexpected, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes ravishing sometimes astounding .Ah! That’s what life is. So don’t plan it, discover it, like a hideous, adventurous and nerve-wracking journey and I am sure, you’ll love it if not always then at least sometimes.


  1. Life would be so effin boring if it went according to our plans.

  2. @xyzandme-true true....I admitt!!
