The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking. -Albert Einstein

Monday, 27 June 2011

When i was a little kid, i used to be really amused by these bright,brisk,light bubbles.I used to make it a point to get a bubble maker each time i happen to visit the fair, every year on  Bada Mangal,near a very famous Lord Hanuman temple, close to my grandmother's place.The streams of soapy white numerous bubbles coming out in a single straight line, and then all of a sudden, getting diffused in different directions used to excite me so much.I had almost forgotten about these bubbles,and the memories of the joy, i used to get in making those bubbles around my mother and irritate my brother by almost drowning him in these bubbles, untill one of my dear friend suggested me to keep it as my Blog's name.I added blue to the name as the colour blue signifies tranquality.I would try my best that my thoughts on this blog are as serene as the colour blue and as frothy and flipsy as the bubble itself is.


  1. its nice when i was of ur age,i didn't think so much....

  2. hey ayush...thanx a lot bro!! far as thinking is concerned,even i never used to think so much when i was young,but now nothing is possible without racing ur minds..!!
